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Cloud & DevOps

Lead your cloud development like the best in business do

Together, we will establish an optimal cloud computing workflow that helps you cut down cloud spending, automate infrastructure monitoring, and increase architectural flexibility.

Cloud development done right expands your software and team capabilities

Full scalability

Your application will automatically increase or decrease cloud computing resources in response to usage.

New business speed

Reducing time-to-market under a perfected continuous deployment model

Faster delivery

Cut cloud development time with hundreds of services from cloud providers

Never overspend

Under the pay-per-use model, you avoid idle server time charges

Outstanding security

The cloud offers first-class security services, so you won't have to build from scratch


Reach incomparable cloud-based scalability that works for thousands of users

Cloud architecture

Why build for the cloud?

Fact — any app supposed to earn decent money needs the power of cloud environment. That’s because cloud architecture is ready to transform within days to support a reliable and rapid market delivery.

Key benefits
Cloud maintenance

Why invest in cloud maintenance?

Cloud platforms can have an uptime close to 99.9%+. That is, if the team keeps the system updated and monitored, which is why maintenance is still as critical as it was in your pre-cloud era.

Key benefits
Cloud tool development

Why develop cloud tools?

Your organization might have no-compromise requirements that call for a cloud-native extension to Kubernetes or Docker. Data handling, security assurance, and custom operators can be designed around how you work with the market.

Key benefits
Team augmentation

Why expand your team?

Shortage of talent. Do you need more hands on deck? Upskilling your DevOps team can take months or even years, during which the backlog will only grow and you can lose a lot of business opportunities. Leveraging outsourced developers can cost less to get that project done.

Key benefits

Over 160 companies built efficient and flexible cloud-based solutions with us



MIS application for production management, starting from poultry collection, production line, wastage record keeping, storage, sales data to back tracing at Valley Cold Store, Nepal.

UX/UI design  |  Architecture design  |  Web app development  |  Quality Assurance  |  DevOps 



Fuel Inventory Management System developed to regulate fuel consumption by vehicles used by different agencies under United Nations in Nepal.

UX/UI design  |  Architecture design  |  Web app development  |  Quality Assurance  |  DevOps 

Ready to get started? We’re here and ready to guide you towards building a scalable business backed up by our website design and mobile app development services.